Our Preschool & Aftercare Classes

Caregiving, teaching, stimulation, evaluations, assessments, etc.


Preschool (Full Day 06h30 – 17h30 / Half Day 06h30 – 13h00)


Caregiving service for all babies from the age of 3 months. Babies are cared for and all needs are met on a daily basis. Feeding, changing, sleeping routine, preparing meals, preparing formulas, sterilizing all utensils and bottles. Gross motor skills development on the carpet. Free play on the carpet. Outside activity play time on equipment, swings and scooters, trollies, etc.

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Bunnies, Ponies, Dolphin, Teddy Bear and Bumble Bee Classes

Daily structured learning, activity schedule. Morning ring with Bible story. Intellectual development using shapes, colours, numbers and phonics. These are all Theme related topics for the week. We teach the general knowledge pertaining to the specific theme or topic on Mondays and revised every morning. Working with numbers, shapes and colour is incorporated into teaching program daily. Art activity for the week and smaller daily projects are also done. Free time and fantasy play where children use the carpet area and just have some fun. Outside playtime on playground using all te equipment with supervision. Meals provided in the dining hall for all.

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Grade R Classes

A lot more structured and set up as if in school. Classroom has individual desks and chairs for each learner. Program is CAPS based from Department of Education and Department of Social Services. Here we learn to write freehand, in lines, count and do basic arithmetic up to double digits using addition and subtraction. Teach the understanding of multiplication and times tables. General Knowledge is encouraged daily. Information is shared freely. Emotional and social skill building and enhancing. Structured class times with school uniform and dress code, getting us used to Big School.

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Our aftercare service includes transport from Middelburg primary, Aerorand Primary and Middelburg Preparatory School. Any children from Grade 1 to Grade 7 can be accommodated. Our main aim is to complete daily homework, reading , assistance with school tasks and projects on a daily basis.

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